About The Wine Mob!
Already a member? Sign in here to access your membership account.
Been a member of other wine clubs? Not like The Grapefather's wine club—aka The Wine Mob!
You'll receive quarterly wines at the absolute lowest prices we offer. You'll also get club discounts on everyday purchases, invites to member-only events, and other special perks. See below!
And you'll also be part of an enthusiastic mob of new friends who love Nello's wines and like sharing fun times together.

Become a Member of the Wine Mob!
To become a member now, join online or call us at 530-303-3617.
You can also join at our tasting rooms. Joining is easy and fast.

~ Two levels of membership ~
3 Cellar wines & 1 Premium
$85/quarter plus shipping
4 Cellar & 2 Premium
$135/quarter plus shipping
AND 1/2-price option to add 6 wines of your choice to fill the case!
~ Two ways to get your wines ~
SHIP: at lowest available cost to your location.
PICK UP: at our tasting rooms.
Everyday wine discount: 15% off 1-11 bottles, 25% off 12+ bottles.
NEW! 15% discount applies to purchase of a flat of CaliMojo (24 cans). $94 reg. $79.90 with club discount.
Special club pricing on new releases, library wines and other offerings as announced.
One complimentary wine tasting per visit for the primary club member and 3 guests.
Six virtual Flight Tokens every quarter, each good for one 5-wine flight in our Camino tasting room. Tokens good any day before 5PM. From 5PM to closing, enjoy wine by the glass (see below), or share a bottle (15% member discount).
Wine by the glass (6oz.), one per visit (any time) for you and up to 3 guests at the member price of $8 per glass. ($12 refill.) Choose any cellar wine.
Reduced ticket prices for most public events.
Invitations to members-only events.
Yearly ticket for two for Private Wine Tastings ($50 value) to share with friends.
Updates and news of events and special sales in your email and quarterly newsletter, The Mob Times.
Once-a-year use of the Cellar (Placerville) or Library (Camino) for your own private event. FREE by advance reservation only, 18 people max.
How does shipping work?
We ship by the least expensive method available to your desired address. You will receive email prior so you or someone age 21+ can arrange to receive and sign for the delivery. We cannot ship to IL, MI, MS, ND, NH, NY, UT, WI, VA at this time.
When do you charge my credit card?
Quarterly credit card charges happen on or soon after the 1st of March, June, September, and December. You'll receive confirmation by email each time. On the same day, we'll have your wines ready for pick up. For shipping, a day or two later.
Is your system secure?
Yes. Your name, contact details and credit card info is held safely and securely following latest guidelines. We do not share your information with any other party for any reason. See our Privacy Policy
Do I wait for the next quarter to join?
You can join and receive your first club wines at any time of the year. If it's mid-quarter or after, you can choose to receive the next quarter's wines or to skip and wait for the following quarter.
What if my information changes?
To manage your membership profile, contact info, credit card details, or view your recent club activity, click Contact in our main menu then Club Member Login. Or go directly here, login and select My Account.
How do I cancel membership?
Membership is a minimum of 4 quarters. You may cancel your club membership by email after receiving your 4th quarter wines and at least 30 days before you want the cancellation to take affect. Written requests, rather than verbal, give us a "paper trail" and avoids miscommunication. Our 30-day policy ensures enough time to determine any outstanding charges and to stop any wine shipments scheduled.
What if I can't pick up my quarterly wines?
We know it's not always easy to pick up your club wines within a few weeks. We will hold them for you longer, but according to available inventory, as time goes on you may not receive the same selection of wines. We will gladly ship club wines to you any time at your cost, and we reserve the right to do so after 6 months and with prior notification. Please let us know if you have special circumstances and cannot pick up your wines.
Why the change from unlimited complimentary wine flights for club members to 4 per quarter with tokens?
The introduction of new Flight Tokens changes a club policy that began during the pandemic when traditional indoor wine tasting was prohibited. Restrictions ended in 2021, but we continue offering flights because people enjoy them. The new Flight Token policy for members shares out this club perk more fairly among all members and more sustainably for us. If you run out of tokens between quarters, members may buy wine flights for $5—while the non-member price is $15. Keep in mind that members still get year-round complimentary wine tasting at the bar once per visit.

Need to talk?
If you have questions about your membership, Club Manager, Debi Fraties, is ready to help in any way you need. Call her at 530-303-3617 or email her at debi@nelloolivo.com.